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Control Field



The Control Field component holds a group of Checkboxes or Radios and adds information like label, Validation message or an in-line message.


The Control Field component can be broken down into the following elements -

  1. Legend (optional)
    The title for the list of options. It can be an instruction, headline or question.

  2. List of options
    The lists consist of either Checkboxes or Radios items. Please check the documentation for those components individually.

  3. Validation Message (optional)
    An error message with appropriate icon and colour, that only appears after the form has been submitted and the input has been validated.

  4. In-line Messaging (optional)
    An optional content area that can be used for clarifying information, that refers to the whole group.

Variants & States

  • Breakpoint: Mobile, Desktop
  • Option List: Radio/Checkbox
  • Error: on/off
  • Legend: on/off
  • In-line Messaging: on/off
Radio VariantError: OFF
Legend: ON
In-line Messaging: ON
Checkbox VariantError: ON
Legend: ON
In-line Messaging: OFF