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import { Scrim } from '@sky-uk/ui-core';

Scrim provides a container with an eased gradient with a specified color from solid to transparent.



$backgroundColor supports any of the system colors.

The following directions can also be applied:

  • up - Default direction from bottom to top.
  • right - From left to right.
  • left - From right to left.
  • down - From top to bottom.

The direction key is appended to the $backgroundColor value using dot notation. For example a Scrim with grey40 from right to left would be:


$pointerEvents supports standard CSS pointer-events.

By default this is set to auto. Should the Scrim be used in a context where it is stacked above an interactive element it can be set to none.

All children will retain their interactivity regardless of the $pointerEvents setting on the Scrim.

System Modifiers

The Scrim component supports the props applied using the following system functions: