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import { Textarea } from '@sky-uk/ui-core';

Textarea is a form component that closely matches the native textarea element and supports its key properties. (See MDN).

System Modifiers

The Textarea component accepts props applied using the following system modifiers:


You can combine the Textarea component with the Field component to add information like label and validation message.


You can provide placeholder attribute that will be displayed on focus. placeholder attribute is independent from Label.

Custom Textarea/Other Inputs

The wrapping component used to build the Textarea component is also available to use, should you need to create your own textarea/other inputs with extended functionality

This is provided for cases where you may need to build your own input that works a different way.

  • InputWrapper: A div with pre-applied input styles.
import { InputWrapper } from '@sky-uk/ui-core';
Only use these components if you need custom functionality


Please refer to the W3C Forms Concepts guide when working with forms.