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Reasons to Believe - Overview


The RTB (Reasons to Believe) section is used to show 2-4 benefits / key features with small amount of copy.


The RTB section can be broken down into the following elements -

  1. Section Headline (component)
    Optional content that can give the user extra context if required along with optional Buttons for further actions.

  2. RTBs
    Each RTB shows a benefit / key feature with a small amount of copy.

RTB Anatomy

The RTB can be broken down into the following elements -

  1. Icon/image
    Icon that can be swapped to an image if needed.

  2. Title
    Title for the RTB.

  3. Body copy (optional)
    Optional copy section to give more detailed description of RTB.

  4. Text Link component (optional)
    Optional Text Link Button.

Variants & States

  • Breakpoints: Mobile, Desktop
  • Appearance: Default, Light
  • Number of RTBs: 2, 3, 4
  • Section Headline: on/off
  • RTB Content -
  • Body: on/off
  • Text Link: on/off

All optional items turned on (mobile)

All optional items turned off (mobile)