Reasons to Believe - Overview
The RTB (Reasons to Believe) section is used to show 2-4 benefits / key features with small amount of copy.
The RTB section can be broken down into the following elements -

Section Headline (component)
Optional content that can give the user extra context if required along with optional Buttons for further actions. -
Each RTB shows a benefit / key feature with a small amount of copy.
RTB Anatomy
The RTB can be broken down into the following elements -

Icon that can be swapped to an image if needed. -
Title for the RTB. -
Body copy (optional)
Optional copy section to give more detailed description of RTB. -
Text Link component (optional)
Optional Text Link Button.
Variants & States
- Breakpoints: Mobile, Desktop
- Appearance: Default, Light
- Number of RTBs: 2, 3, 4
- Section Headline: on/off
- RTB Content -
- Body: on/off
- Text Link: on/off
All optional items turned on (mobile)

All optional items turned off (mobile)