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Naming Convention

Skycons adhere to a strict naming conventions due to the need to be easily searchable by both designers and developers on two different systems. We also provide additional search terms in the description of the icons to further help this process.

We ask that when you submit an icon you also submit a suitable name. If you get stuck, the team will help you in this process.

Use camelCase Naming Convention

Icon names are consistent across our design and development libraries, making it easy for both design and development to find the correct icon in either library.

  • magnifyingGlass
  • search
  • thumbsUp
  • ThumbsUp

Describe Instead of Prescribe

Name icons based on what the graphic shows, rather than what it represents. This removes the ambiguity of icons and allows icons to be used for multiple use cases where relevant. It also allows for easier searching as it becomes about fact rather than interpretation. We keep the representation names as tags within the icon’s description so that they can still be used in search.

  • lightbulb
  • learning
  • wifiLockCircle
  • protected

Modifiers as Suffixes

Some icons have modifiers in the way of a slash through the icon or sat within a shape. When these are used, they are added as a suffix to the icon name, making sure the first word is the primary icon focus.

  • eyeSlash
  • hide
  • lowWifiCircle
  • lowWifi